Inclusive Education

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Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress. Working together is success” (Brainy Quote). From here, the concept of inclusive education, including students with and without learning disabilities as peers in the same classroom, originated. The aim of this type of education is to get students with learning disabilities involved in the society. Teachers and fellow students will also provide help for students with disabilities; in this way, students with learning disabilities will be motivated to study as they feel that they are a part of a group instead of being isolated in special places. Thus, they will achieve higher grades. Moreover, they will be greatly engaged in the society as they are building bridges…show more content…
One reason why students with learning disabilities should be in the normal classroom is that inclusion improves their academic performance. In the article “Outcomes for Students With Learning Disabilities in Inclusive and Pullout Programs”, researchers in education programs conducted a study to compare the students’ academic behavior between inclusive and special schools. Throughout their study, the researchers took several factors into consideration such as the teachers’ efforts, the number of students in each classroom, and the IEP (Individualized Education Plan) objectives. They found that inclusive schools use interactive teaching that benefits students with learning disabilities; interactive teaching includes students explaining the learning and social skills…show more content…
According to J.C. Jenkinson, some inclusion programs are about “having the students with disabilities sit in regular education classes and look normal”. Then, the opponents claim that inclusion will result in academic failure and loss of "important skills" (1997). Well, a logical fallacy, hasty generalization, clearly appears here; one cannot simply assume a failure of a whole technique from a couple of wrong practices. Inclusion, to clarify, is not simply about physically placing students with learning disabilities in the normal classroom; it is about making everyone cooperate with one another in order to enhance learning. As a matter of fact, studies and statistics prove that inclusion increases the students' academic performance along with teamwork skills (Rea, McLaughlin, and Walther-Thomas 203-23). Additionally, the opponents believe that students with learning disabilities "often feel depressed, overwhelmed, and academically inadequate to their non-disabled classmates.” (“Education Integration”, 1998). Moreover, they assert that “when pupils face a challenging or threatening task aimed at evaluating their competencies, a low self-worth may affect their mood. However, a low

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