Importance Of Vocational Education

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In this rapidly changing global economy, the need for skills, attitude and knowledge are of critical importance to advance the competitive advantage which is so desperately lacking in many nations. In this global 21st century environment, education must be preparing people for uncertainty; preparing people who are adaptable, flexible and multi-skilled. Integrating Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) into the general education curriculum can act as the catalyst to equip the country’s human resources with the necessary skills to be competitive. The objective of this paper is to illustrate the importance of having TVET integrated into the national curriculum of Trinidad and Tobago and the wider region, and the benefits which can…show more content…
TVET is, therefore, crucial to a country’s broader education agenda and it is also essential to the development of a knowledge society, economy and democracy. Clark (2007) states the idea of combining general academic studies and TVET has widespread appeal, and there is evidence that this kind of combined curriculum leads to improved performance of students in secondary school and…show more content…
Educators have assumed that integrating academic and vocational learning is the most promising approach as it provides students with the necessary transferable, employable and entrepreneurial skills that are needed. It also provides a mechanism for engaging those who have not so far been engaged in academic learning and offers learners an early opportunity to sample whether future career options are suitable and practical and will be of interest to them, without preventing them from also pursuing future academic pathways. Integration of TVET in the secondary school curriculum has had a wide endorsement from international organisations, governments, industry and academia. Also, education policy makers and planners in developing countries often hope that the diversification of the secondary school curriculum will motivate changes in attitudes towards self-employment and further education, and even ease the transition to work. Some countries have even adopted different approaches to this mixing of the general education curriculum with TVET to suit their unique needs. Young people growing up in many nations will face stiff competition for jobs when they have to enter the workforce. Permanent achievement in the rapidly changing world of work requires an ever increasing level of proficiency with technical knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, the future success of any state depends on a highly skilled

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