Role Of Gender In Educational Planning

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1. Introduction “Planning is a process whereby a direction is set forth and then the ways and means for the following that direction are specified. There are many forms of planning with several types of activities involved in this process” (Chang, 2006, p. 3). Educational planning, as in every planning, has a huge importance to support education success and to ensure qualified outcomes that meet the needs of the students and society as well. Coombs (1970, p.14) defines educational planning as follows: Educational planning, in its broadest generic sense, is the application of rational, systematic analysis to the process of educational development with the aim of making more effective and efficient in responding to the needs and goals of its…show more content…
(2001), the majority of full-time employees in the labor market are holders of secondary education diplomas. In November 1999, 25% of the total employed individuals are holders of vocational secondary diplomas: while there was only 24% from general secondary education diplomas. In 2001 there was an increase of employed individuals graduated from both secondary vocational education as well as higher education institutions. There is no significant parity between males and females in labor market in urban areas. However, there is significant gender parity in the labor market in rural areas (see figure 10 in appendices). There is no available further explanation or data on the gender parity in the labor market in rural…show more content…
Often, places are simply not available. Employers complain that they have to pay the schools and sometimes the students too” (Arellano, 2003, p. 10). Working experiences, like apprenticeships, are very important in vocational educations, and so are in Latvia. It is also reported in Arellano (2013, pp. 8-11) “many vocational schools in Latvia function with outdated equipment and training capacities”. This apparently affects the inputs and outcomes of secondary vocational education in recent decades. 3.2.3. Student attainment While ILSA (International Large Scale Assessment Test) is not the only source to look into the how students in secondary school learn the necessary subjects, e.g. math and science, but ILSA may give us some insights on how the students perform on solving numbers and science questions. Latvia participated several times in PISA. The latest was in 2012 and Latvia scored below OECD average, even though they have improved their performance from previous experience. Figure below shows how the young Latvians perform on math in

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