Challenges Of Skill Development

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Challenges to Skill Development in India Skill development refers to all the efforts to improve the effectiveness and contribution of labour to the overall productivity as well as production, which lead the economy to a higher path. The skill development has been a hot topic in current times in our country. What triggered such focus? Mainly two things as follows: Demographic dividend Expansion of knowledge based economy Demographic dividend was indicated by the changing demographic profiles of India vis-à-vis some other countries such as China. The changing demographic profile indicated that India has a unique 20-25 years window of opportunity. This opportunity comes to us because of increased ratio of young and working population, lesser dependency…show more content…
 Development of skills, at an young age, right at the school level,  To channelize them for proper job opportunities.  There should be a balanced growth in all the sectors and all jobs should be given equal importance.  Every job aspirant would be given training in soft skills to lead a proper and decent life.  Skill development would reach the rural and remote areas also.  Corporate educational institutions, non-government organizations, Government, academic institutions, and society would help in the development of skills of the youths so that better results are achieved in the shortest time possible. Challenges to Skill Development in India By 2022, India will have the maximum number of working age population in the world. The FICCI-KPMG Global Skills Report has noted that if properly skilled, they can contribute to economic growth. But there are many challenges to skilling in India. Some of them are:  Problem in Mobilization Student mobilization to get trained has been a major concern due to the traditional mindset, low willingness to migrate, low salaries at entry…show more content…
For this, there is a need to create the macro and micro policies to encourage workers. The government should include a minimum percentage of certified skilled work forces in the tendering process of every manpower intensive project and increase the minimum percentage every year. At a local level, the industry can enforce it by ensuring that ancillary service providers like drivers, housekeeping and security staff have skill certification. Minimum wages need to be re-looked and aligned to the levels defined in the National Skills

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