Japanese Education System Essay

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Japan contains a comprehensive education system.While having a centralized government, they control the guidelines of the curriculum, approval of textbooks, and standardized exams. Japan’s comprehensive system insures that all students are educated equally and go further on with their education, Adolino and Blake (2011, 335). Exams are taken after primary school that determine where the child is placed in upper secondary school. In Japan’s high schools they typically have vocational classes as well as their general studies. Since they have a comprehensive system everyone is being taught the same general curriculum; however, the degree of prestige varies between public and private schools, the public schools tend to be more prestigious and…show more content…
All students receive an education and this is due to the allocation of tax grants to their education system. The bureaucracy within Japan is highly professionalized, which allows them to focus in on the importance of an educated society. In addition, the bureaucracy forms the bills proposed so to a degree they can control the policies that will be implemented. These policies are followed by their Ministry of education. In contrast, Italy’s bureaucracy is weak and has little respect or control in the policy process, so their policy is mainly controlled through the central Ministry of Education which oversees the administers budgetary activities then the regional governments oversee the management. While Italy’s selective policy varies from Japan’s comprehensive system, another difference is the degree of centralization in both countries. Italy tends to decentralize their education system to regional and local governments, which affects the quality of education. In contrast, Japan is highly centralized which ensures that students in their comprehensive system are receiving an equal education. These factors between the two countries have led them to the varying education systems and
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