Skill Scenario In India

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The Skill Scenario in India- A long Road to Tread” A number of countries have achieved the goal of universal primary education and others are moving closer to this goal and building a pipeline of young people who expect to pursue further education and training to improve their chances for employment and better earnings. India is moving swiftly in this path through “Sarva Shikhsa Abhiyan” and has started taking its baby steps towards structured skill development in the country through the formation of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Sector skill councils. India is considered as the youth capital of the world. A young nation where 70 per cent of the population is below 35 years of age, one can only imagine the youth who are…show more content…
Skills goes beyond formal education and prepares the youth and adults for the world of work ranging from informal learning on the job, apprenticeship, enterprise-based training, to learning off the job in government and non-governmental training institutions. Learning technical skills is not enough. Soft skills that make people employable are as critical. The apprenticeship model is particularly effective at developing these skills alongside technical skills. Vocational education can have its full economic impact only if it produces people with skills who fulfill work as per industry requirements and are better paid and most importantly vocational education should be introduced in schools in such a way that it binds with academic options rather than competing with them. The “Skilling Challenge” can be mitigated by 4 “A”:- Availability- the Needs of learners and labour markets should be identified to make the necessary skills available by forming partnership among administrators, educational services and…show more content…
It was not the first time Gandhi ji stressed the need for education through crafts. During his entire life he kept on reminding all the stakeholders about the importance of craft training in education. Now in the twenty first century, when we talk about the gap between what industry demands and our education systems provide and the need for skills training, I seldom hear people mentioning the above revolutionary and futuristic vision of

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