Grammatical Function Of The Non-Native English Language In Spoken English

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Introduction The word LIKE has many grammatical functions. According to the Cambridge University Press Dictionary, it can be a verb meaning “to enjoy” or used as a proposition meaning “similar to”. Not only that, LIKE can also be used to show comparison. In contrast, LIKE has many different grammatical purposes in Spoken English. It is used as a filler when the speaker needs more time to think about what to say next. LIKE could also be used for quotative speech in order to state what someone has said (Cambridge University Press Dictionary).Studies show that LIKE is incorporated more in Spoken English by young adults and adolescents. In Alexandra Faith D’Arcy’s study (2005), she found out that LIKE is said more frequently among younger speakers.…show more content…
The usage of LIKE carries a stigma as well. Dr. Chloe Diskin, a sociolinguist at the University of Melbourne, studied the speech of 36 non-native English speakers in Ireland for her research (2017). Within simply three years, non-native English speakers started using LIKE in the same free form way that native English speakers do. Non-native English speakers believed that the word LIKE attracted intellectual snobbery because it was popularized by young women (2017). Ashley Hesson, a Michigan State University researcher, found that this uprising of LIKE speech became to be known as Valley Girl speech (2015). Her research with Madeline Shellgren, a doctorate in linguistics at Michigan State University, showed that using LIKE in the beginning of a sentence clause made speakers seem…show more content…
He kept asking me things such as “What do you mean?” and it was so annoying. It was aggravating trying to talk to him and have him understand what I was trying to explain to him. It is obvious cats are way better than dogs. He was saying why does that matter and I was trying to explain that cats are easier to take care of. I don't understand why he has to, you know, disagree with me for everything we talk about. I told him that we should be more understanding of each others and be more supportive of each other’s opinion of things. I guess he just doesn't understand how to be a good boyfriend and listener. He always has to make everything a big deal and I’m so tired of having every conversation turn into a fight. Just give me a break. Recording two was very similar, but had some grammatical adjustments and included LIKE in each sentence where LIKE would be part of Spoken English. The same speaker

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