Importance Of Teamwork

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In today’s environment teamwork and communication are vital for the running of a successful business. No more so than in the case of agile and scrum tactics. When building a project team it involves choosing the best people possible to fill the positions, assigning tasks to those people and equally distributing resources amongst the team. However in the case of agile and scrum tactics, communication and teamwork can break down. This is so as for a team, being agile is being able to respond successfully to change in the organisation. However this can break down if teamwork and communication is not at the level which is needed. The scrum tactic basically is that each member of the team has a job to do. If one member fails to do their bit, the…show more content…
At this stage the group members start to respect each other, their relationships get stronger and the place trust in their leader. Now that members have resolved their issues they can share and work on ideas as a group. Again the project leader is vital at this stage as he or she needs to keep harmony in the group to make sure conflict does not arise in the group again. If this stage is carried out correctly and harmony remains it will minimise the agile problems the project team might have when adapting to scrum tactics. The fourth phase of team formation is performing. At this stage the team is working well together, tasks have been delegated amongst the members and these are being performed. Hard work has now commenced and the team is working well together. The framework of the project has been set and this supports the project well as each team member can follow this. At this stage the project leader needs to focus on developing each individual person as a whole. If this stage is performed correctly it will help teams deal with agile problems when adapting to scrum tactics. To use the scrum metaphor once more if the team works well and binds together the scrum won’t fall insuring the team will succeed. The final stage of team formation is adjourning, here the project is finished and the team will adjourn. Some members can find this stage difficult, this is so as they may have grown fond of working together. It is…show more content…
And this is down to the product owner. It is vital to pick members which can communicate well together and work positively as a team. This is so as the development team need to come up with a finished product at the end of each sprint. If the product owner picks the best team available to him and allows for an environment for communication and teamwork to take place there is no reason for the project to fail. We feel this certainly is a vital future direction. This is so as having a hardworking team who communicate well together will reduce the agile problems that can occur when adapting to scrum. This is so as being agile is the ability to respond to change. If communication and teamwork is good between members this should be no problem. Also the scrum tactic represents a system that shows unless all parties work together the scrum will “collapse”. In other words unless all the project team works well together and communicates the project will fail. Therefore it is vital that a future direction to overcome this challenge would be to carefully select the project
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