Importance Of International Relations

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International relations is an important subject, and the text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” explains its importance, and why it is such a relevant subject for the people of the world today. The text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” can seem to be a sort of booklet or brochure to advertise for a school with a course in international relations, as we see in this extract from the text: “Interested in what’s happening to the world? Then we’re the school for you!” The text contains a number of questions for the reader, which make the reader think and evaluate his or her own actions and knowledge about international relations, as we see in this extract from the text: “You might buy Fairtrade and you might eschew…show more content…
It can be a motivator and make people join the course to learn more about the subject and expand their knowledge. “While you think this is a subject you already know something about, you don’t know the half of it!” In addition, the text also expresses that international relations and foreign policy are an extremely vital subject to protect our world. This can also be a motivator to join the course, for the ones who are interested in protecting and preserving the world. “The study of international relations is absolutely vital to protect the world we live in.” Sources: “Come to the Institute of International Studies”, a text adapted from: 1b) The international relations course seems to be highly interesting, and as mentioned in the text, international relations is also vital knowledge to protect our world. Gaining further knowledge about this subject is important, as well as it can be fascinating, and also thought-provoking to gain a look behind the curtain in world…show more content…
The government, the business world, consumers, and international organizations play the biggest roles regarding this issue, but that does not mean that the rest of the people in the world should not contribute to creating change. One element that may help the situation can be to shed more light on the subject, and informing refugees and migrants how the human smugglers take advantage of them, and how dangerous the journey can be. Another element that can better the situation is to work effectively against the smuggler networks, and make an attempt to cut them off financially. However, the most long term solution would be to reduce the stream of refugees from war and conflict

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