The Importance Of Teamwork

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Teamwork is when you need more than one person to accomplish a common goal with equal interest and effort. It is the cohesiveness among the teammates to achieve productive results. No wonders why it is the driving power behind all successful and established organizations. Today we will bring forward the success formula behind effective teamwork and the most sought after tips for building a team that is sure to click. What Makes Teamwork Effective? Making teamwork effective is not an esoteric magic. The following two factors pave the way to take the leap from being just a team to an effective team – Strong Leadership – A leader is the driving force in a team. He is the one that everyone aspires to become and it automatically brings forth the dedication, hard work and will-power to strive for bettermentfrom every…show more content…
Select The Correct Leader – Someone who can walk the talk and not someone who believes only in going orders and pressurizing members to try and extract the best out of the team members. 2. Clear Division Of Roles And Responsibilities – The plan of action must be clearly defined and chalked out with the team leader before choosing the team members so as to get the ideas how many members are required and who are best to perform a particular role. 3. Select Responsible Team Members – Before including someone in the team, he/she must be briefed out his/her role and responsibility and whether he/she agrees to take that up with full satisfaction. Only when someone is satisfied with the responsibility he/she is bestowed with, can one deliver the peak performance. 4. Open Communication – Proper communication channel is vital for the growth of a team. All must be equal including leader and must be available and approachable when needed. With the implementation of open communication, everyone can open up with every problem they face in regular meeting and with everyone’s participation all problems can be solved in creative way with the best suggestion
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