Importance Of Teaching Methods

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Abstract Involvement of students in improving learning process is directly proportional to enhanced attention span, behavioural management, developing critical thinking and applying knowledge on practical utility. Current research as well as empirical understanding through routine teaching methods show interesting revelations that teaching methods based on student-centric approach promotes interactive learning process. In these incorporative techniques, the ‘Guru’ (a teacher) plays the role of motivational sparker. Therefore, this paper makes an attempt to highlight and includes imperative teaching methods that make learning more interactive and innovative and hence, more absorbing. Innovative research can seed from creative outlook and paradigm…show more content…
Nalanda is considered as the oldest University-system of education in the world, though Takshashila predates Nalanda. By the 11th century BC, India already had an established system of science and technology in place. However, around 12th century, invasions from India's northern borders disrupted traditional education systems as foreign armies raided educational institutes, among many other establishments. As time progressed and industrialization caught up with the western world in the 18th century, especially starting with Great Britain, India too was not isolated from its spillover. The modern day education system, including the English language, was introduced in India by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay in the 1830s. The syllabus was confined to classrooms and the crucial, direct link with the outside world was broken. However, the modern education system though covered a wide spectrum of programs, what it did miss was the ‘inclusive process of learning’ in its modern day journey. The outcomes are: 1) Everything is about Learning by Rote Method, leading to a behavioural pattern of ‘short term retention rather than life-long…show more content…
Traditional teaching method – A window to pre-technology and chalk-duster model The chalk-duster approach is an example of direct instruction wherein the teacher’s control remains confined to indoor walls activities, ensuring learning in disciplined environment with monologue presentation. This method purely inclines to teacher-dominated interaction and the student is mere recipient of given information at other end. Empirical results have proven that this method has been challenging for all learners and especially those who are with special needs like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Dyslexia and Slow Learners. The evaluation methods – formative and summative have shown diverse results. These special-need students perform better in formative than summative exams. The student with special and different learning abilities finds it a huge challenge to understand and grasp the larger content to qualify summative evaluation. Therefore, such learners truly deserve the experience of the modern (collaborative / one-to-one / interactive and innovative) teaching

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