Learner Autonomy

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A Meta-analysis of Learner Autonomy for Pedagogical Practices By Debjani Sarkar English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad Email: debjanidivaa@gmail.com English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad Mahlaqa Bai Chanda Hostel 500007 Abstract The teaching and learning of language has gained a dynamic impetus, across decades. Considering the trends of English Language Teaching, we can rightly assert that one method paved the way for the following one. Similarly, the transition from Grammar Translation Method to Communicative Language Teaching marked a paradigm shift between the role of the teacher and the students. The role of the teacher has…show more content…
The mid-1950s marked a radical shift in the whole paradigm of learning theories and methods of English language teaching and learning. The cognitivists along with the constructivists, such as Piaget and Bruner emphasized upon a holistic development of language, unlike mere word to word meaning. That is, both linguistic and communicative competence were regarded tantamount. It was not late for the learned researchers to establish that learners differ in their styles and interests of learning. Keeping in mind the variations of proficiency levels, it is seldom possible for the teacher to feed or cater equivalently to such a huge range of learners. Also, the fact that it is not practically possible for teachers to support the learners’ in transactions occurring outside the classroom, it becomes all the more significant that we develop and provide our students with materials that develop autonomy and make them responsible for their learning…show more content…
In a classroom the learners’ read various kinds of texts. Reading text includes texts from all the different subjects such as English, social sciences, and science etc. These texts differ from each other in terms of both content and organization. The fact that the nature and composition of these texts differ; thus the approaches to comprehend the text must also be different. Reading as Kalpan (2002) states: “It is a rapid, strategic, interactive and purposeful process that requires sufficient knowledge of language and world, extensive time on task, and efficient as well as strategic processing.” Thus, while reading, a reader not just decodes the text, but also interprets and constructs it on the basis of his/her global
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