Case Study: Organizational Behavior

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1. Introduction Organizational behavior is examining individual’s performance in an organization and how their conduct influences the organization’s performance. What’s more, in light of the fact that Organizational behavior is concerned particularly with business related situation, it highlights behavior as associated to concerns, for example occupation, works, employment and so on (Robbins and Judge, 2015). Studying OB helps us to find out all the factors which affects person's behavior and helps to apply various strategies to curb the critical behavior which damage the organization. One of the factors affecting the internal environment of an organization is how they pursue their business, ethically or unethically. Further this influences…show more content…
She was not able to get through her visa and is allowed to work from home. She is supposed to report Mr. Moon and Emma, although the organization has been friendly and cooperative towards her, she is not in agreement with the instructions given to her for gathering information by misrepresenting herself. She is facing family pressure as well as financial issues which is persuading her to go with the work given and keeping morality aside. She has discussed this with her friend and her ex employer, but her dilemma continues. She is confused on how the company is working immorally and whether she should consider this, or ignore and work keeping in mind future outcomes. Especially in the context of the business many times individuals are faced with contradicting demands which forces them to choose the organizational interest. The type of followership Susan Kim is following is implicit followership. Implicit followership is a situation where a leader gives instructions to follower to perform an unethical act, rather than straight away performing that task the follower will initially consider the cost and benefits analysis of compliance and resistance of leader’s unethical request. Even in the case study, we can see Susan having the characteristic of implicit followership, as she was quite observant when Mr. Moon was giving instructions to her and later she analyzed it that it is unethical to follow the…show more content…
In other words, Organizational culture refers to the internal environment that prevails in the organization. Organization culture varies with region, industry and so on. Different regions have their own background which affects the internal environment. One more aspect that affects organizational culture is the value of top management and its employees. In the case study it evident that there is cultural difference between San Francisco and Seoul. As Susan father told her that direct confrontation was frowned upon in most Asian culture (Sucher and Preble, 2017). Person facing a cultural difference in the organization should prepare themselves to embrace the changes and develop the skills and capabilities to effectively communicate with employees and co-workers in the

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