Importance Of Study Habits

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Developing study habits of children. As explained by Malapo (2016), that it is needed to know the child’s interests and skills because in most cases, children choose to disregard other learning activities and focus more on their own interests in other things. With this, there is a possibility that a lot of children will take their studies for granted, since they really don’t have interest on what they are doing. Developing effective student study habits retrieved from stated that children that developed their study habits at an early age will influence them how they learn throughout their school years. Elementary school teachers and parents play an important role in helping children establish the best approaches to learning. This means that if you disregard the things you’re distracted then this might help on focusing o study habits works best.…show more content…
As stated by Rivera, that our generation today is worsening because of problems of crimes, immorality, health, and incurable diseases, poverty and the unequal distribution of wealth and anxiety and death and among others. In our society, this is the common problem why people lacks education especially when it comes to financial aspects. For us, education has undeniably gained enormous respect for its perceived value in the conduct of human life. The importance of education retrieved from explained that the importance of higher education has increased in getting good job and position. Proper education creates lots of ways to go ahead in the

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