Study Habits

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The Study Habits and Time Management of Student Assistants of De La Salle Lipa A Research Paper presented to Miss Abigail M. Ocampo De La Salle Lipa Ceas, ELA In partial fulfillment of the requirement on Effective Writing (Effwrit) 2nd Semester, CY 2014-2015 by Riza Mae M. De Torres Ma.Gelene U. Garcia E1A Work is becoming increasingly common among college students. A lot of students are engaged in a part-time or full-time job and most of the students find their greater challenge in adjusting to college life and to succeeding in the classroom is in managing their time effectively (Managing your time and study environment, 2011). Most of them are students who do not have any option but to work while going to school because…show more content…
It is learning how to manage time to have an effective study ( Thus, time management has an important role for Student Assistants from studying for school and working at a job. Time is considered to be essential. It is probably true that part time students such as Student Assistants have to give much more attention to time management because their success or failure in college depends directly in their use of time ( Pauk and Fiore, 2000). On the other hand, a study conducted by (De Guzman, 2003-2004) tells that knowing how to study effectively does not come easily. One must develop a natural learning system commonly known as “study habits”. Study habits are very important for every student because it is one of the influential factors in their academic performance. Good Study habits eventually lead to an above satisfactory or higher academic performance (Gomez, 1999-2000). Therefore, study habits are the things that is need to be done by the students to be able to prioritize their studies and academic performance. These are the things that should be known to students especially to working students. They need to have good study techniques for them to be able to cope up in their studies and…show more content…
The survey questionnaires were distributed personally to the respondents. There were ten (10) questions in the survey questionnaires about how the respondents used and managed their time and the habits that they are doing in their studies. They were assured that their responses would be dealt with utmost confidentially and would be used exclusively to meet the objectives of this study. Survey sheets are adapted from the thesis done year 2007, with the title “Study Habits and Time Management as determinants of clerical assistants of De La Salle Lipa” for it is having the same questions about time management and study habits of working scholars that the researchers happen to make. The survey questions are a checklist type that the respondents can answer it by the clearly type of statement written. The survey questions generally sought to answer about the study habits and time management mostly scholars

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