Importance Of Selection In An Organisation

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Selection is the process of choosing the right person for the right job from a pool of different candidates who applied for a certain job. The primary purpose of selection activity is to predict which job applicant will be successful if hired. It involves steps leading to employment of persons who possess the ability and qualifications to perform the jobs which have fallen vacant in the organisation. SELECTION Through the process of recruitment the company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection. Selection is the process of obtaining and using information about job applicants in order to determine who should be hired…show more content…
The selection of personnel is the most important function of the personnel management. Following is the importance of selection: 1. Procurement of Qualified and Skilled Workers: Scientific selection facilitates the procurement of well qualified and skilled workers in the organisation. It also helps in the expansion in the size of the business. Selection of qualified workers is in the interest of the organisation in order to maintain the supremacy over the other competitive firms. Selection of skilled personnel reduces the labour cost and increases the production. 2. Reduced cost of Training and Development: Proper selection of candidates reduces the cost of training because qualified personnel have better grasping power. They can understand the technique of working better and in no time. Further, the organisation can develop different training programmes for different persons on the basis of their individual differences, thus reducing the time and cost of training considerably. 3. Absence of personnel…show more content…
Selection demands individuals and groups to evaluate and compare the respective capabilities of others for selecting the right candidates for the job. However, one’s views maybe very personalized as every individual perceives the world in a different way. As a result one’s limited perceptual capability may negatively affect the rational and impartial selection of the candidates. 5. Pressure: Pressure is brought on the selectors by bureaucrats, relatives, politicians, friends, and peers to choose a particular candidate over the others. Such employees chosen under pressure might not always be the right ones. This pressure is usually dealt with by employers at the time of selection in public sector undertakings. 6. Validity: Validity is a test to calculate the job performance of an official. A test is validated can distinguish between the employees who can perform well from those who can’t. Though, a validated test does not always calculate job success correctly. It only increases one’s chance to be successful. 7. Stereotyping: This is amongst the most common barriers to selection. In stereotyping, we usually categorize candidates as: i. All female candidates are mainly honest and sincere. ii. Candidates from the science background are intelligent. iii. All civic servants are boring iv. All teachers and professors are absent

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