Importance Of Job Analysis

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Pittock (2009) suggests that people resourcing is a strategic human resource management technique that focuses on identifying and getting the best people with the right skills into an organisation. Taylor (2007) argues that an effective job analysis is the essential foundation of any ‘good practice’ approach to the recruitment and selection process. It is a systematic analysis of the tasks that make up any job vacancy and allows practitioners to proceed, on drawing information about the skills and attributes of the vacancy. It helps recruiters into their decision-making and ensure that people are selected fairly, it also makes sure that the best candidate is chosen for the position (Taylor, 2007, p. 185,186). Job analysis is important because…show more content…
Inaccuracy issues can arise where jobs change in terms of their content, character and complexity. In today’s rapidly changing environment where jobs evolve promptly, problems of obsolescence can happen and question the value of JD and PS methods. To minimise this effects companies should implement regular updates and looser approaches (Taylor, 2007, p.199). Taylor claims that there are two major alternative approaches to person analysis, JD and PS. The competency framework is an approach based on the person rather than the job, is not an analysis of task but an analysis of people and what qualities account for their effective and superior performance (Taylor, 2014, p.125). Job sculpting, it’s a fairly new concept which involves designing jobs around the needs, ambitions and capabilities of individuals, rather than expecting people to fit themselves into a job design by an organisation (Taylor, 2014,…show more content…
CONCLUSION: From the research it’s been concluded that the job description and person specification are the essential foundation of any ‘good practice’ approach to the recruitment and selection process. JD is a general and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis. It usually includes duties, responsibilities, scope and working conditions along with the job’s title and all the relevant and necessary details about the job. As discussed in the report, JD usually forms the basis of the PS which is a profile of the essential and desirable traits; qualifications, education, skills, experience and personal attributes that a candidate must possess in order to fill the role. It lists the criteria that a company uses in the process of shortlisting and selecting a candidate. It has shown the complexity and challenging nature of these approaches, and also highlighted the importance of planning and preparing them, to ensure that the most suitable candidates are selected for the role and that they have the necessary skills and attributes. It also fosters fair and legal processing of candidates’ free form any

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