Literature Review On Talent Management

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1.0 Introduction This study highlights the research purpose and objectives, literature review which is predominantly based on information gathered from secondary sources such as books, talent management related academic journals, industry-based research, professional body's websites, publications and statistical information and drew out the main issues that arose from these sources. This proposal also highlights the research design and methodology which includes the research scope and sample size, methodology and data processing and analysis including a timetable which covers the main areas of the research and finally concluding with the main points for the research study. 1.1 Research Purpose An effective talent management system which includes…show more content…
It is good to be very clear on the traits and competencies that the most successful people in an organization have in common” (Clark, 2014). In other words, one organisation may want to fill its ranks with out-of-the-box entrepreneurial thinkers, whilst another may value thoughtful, consensus-driven and deliberative executives where there is no universal standard for the perfect employee (Clark, 2014). To improve overall consultation or audit quality and manage risk, talent attraction is key to an accounting practice's ability. As such, it is important to ensure that the larger accounting firms' review the effectiveness of their talent attraction strategies and assess if they are aligned with the demands and aspirations of the very individuals those strategies are targeted at. 2.2.1 Recruitment Techniques Be it an SME or MNC, recruiting employees for any organization is an expensive excercise. Nevertheless, it is a crucial part of any business and utmost emphasis should be given to it as poor or even inadequate use of recruitment methods could result in a wrong choice made and as such it pays to do it properly. In the larger accounting firms, some recruitment techniques used include active campus recruitment, leadership or internship programs, employment agencies or referrals (Carroll, Marchington, Earnshaw, & Taylor,…show more content…
Some of these strategies include creating the right culture or having a healthy work environment. According to an article on The Wall Street Journal on Hiring and Managing Employees, MNCs and SMEs could offer a competitive benefits package that suits an employee's needs such as providing excellent insurance plans not just for themselves but also for their immediate family members, providing flexi-time and the option of telecommuting, practicing work-life balance, offering free food and drinks on Fridays or fruits for the entire week or even dry-cleaning pickup and

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