Weber's Theory: Different Characteristics Of Taylor And Weber

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Although Taylor and Weber had many differing elements in their theories, they also had some similar qualities. They both believed in a system of specific selection. This consists of managers choosing employees based on their skills and experiences rather than favouritism. Taylor referred to this as “The scientific selection and development of workers” (Morley et el 2013) and Weber referred to this as “Auslee (selection)” (Beetham, 1974). Formal selection meant that employees were hired on merit and expertise and no other criteria would be used (Morley et el, 2013 p.17). This in turn led to a more successful and efficient managerial system because people were not hired merely on their background and connections to the business. Taylor was aware…show more content…
Taylor promoted the principle of workers and people in managerial positions as people who should do the tasks they are most capable of. As a result, managers directed and allocated work, whereas workers would complete the tasks (Morley et al, 2013). The aim of this principle was to maximise productivity within the workplace. He believed that if people knew who was in control, it would ultimately lead to increase in motivation and productivity as it reduced time wasting. Similarly, Weber believed in a system of hierarchy within an organisation. This system resulted in “a chain of command” within organisations (Morley et al, 2013). This aimed to eliminate confusion and time wasting within the business as people knew exactly who to report to. A typical chain of command includes CEO, managers and employees. Like Taylor’s division of work principle, Weber’s element of hierarchy consisted of managers providing the instructions and workers following those instructions. This is an example of Weber building on the work of Taylor. In turn these elements allowed for a smoother running operations and decision makings within…show more content…
The similarities are most evident between the works of these theorists. It is clear that Weber used Taylor’s theory as a guide. Taylor ultimately set the track for modern managerial structures. He was the first theorist to question what a fair day’s work and a fair day’s pay truly were. Many of the elements Taylor researched still play a major part in organisations to date, despite being criticised by Trade Unions of the time. They “strongly opposed scientific management techniques. They viewed the piece-rate system as a return to ‘sweat shop’ exploitation of labour by management “(Morley et al, 2013 p.16). Another flaw in Taylor’s scientific management was his inability to regard the role of senior management within the organisation and it also failed to deal with the relationship between the organisation and the environment (Morley et al, 2013). However, despite all the negativity surrounding scientific management, Morley et al (2013) suggests that “it formally established management as a specialist area, introduced scientific analysis to the work place and provided framework” for solving problems with in the business. Similarly, Weber’s theory of bureaucratic management is also a very powerful influence in business today. This is “testimony to the importance of his work” (Morley et al, 2013 p. 17). However, in order for bureaucracy to work effectively it must be understood in order to avoid

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