Solenoid Lab Report

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Experiment 9 DC Solenoid Control Using a Transistor and Arduino UNO Team Members Sahil Anand (Leader) UIN-675358955 sanand22@uic.eduSagar Pawar UIN-652748958 Anirudh Madhavan UIN-657447988 Jayant Lamba UIN-660595696 Mohammad Rezwan Sheikh UIN-671433501 SUMMERY The main purpose of this experiment was to control a DC solenoid using a power transistor (MOSFET)and an Arduino UNO rev3 microcontroller. We had the opportunity to operate the solenoid directly in ON/OFF state, also the digital output channel was used and driven by PWM type signal under software control to drive the solenoid as the frequency required was low. DESCRIPTION 183832532004000 Fig: The above figure shows the direction of flow of magnetic field through a solenoid with respect…show more content…
The movable core is usually spring-loaded to allow the core to retract when the current is switched off. The Faraday’s Law can state that ‘The magnitude of the induced EMF in a coil is the negative of the rate of change in magnetic flux through that coil multiplied by the number of turns in that coil.’ The above is the formula for the average EMF for a coil with N turns, with cross-sectional area A subjected to a changing magnetic flux Φ directed perpendicularly to the opening of the coil. LIST OF COMPONENTS USED Components Quantity Arduino UNO Rev3/ connector 1 On/Off (pull) type DC solenoid 1 On/Off (Push) type DC solenoid 1 Transistor: IRF510 (MOSFET) 1 1N4003 - Diode 1 Breadboard 1 Set of connection wires 1 set THE CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 108521522034500 Fig 1: The above circuit was used to study the working of a solenoid. center21907500 Fig 2: The above circuit was set up using a pull type solenoid and an Arduino UNO center19939000 Fig 3: The above circuit was set up using a push type solenoid and an Arduino UNO EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The circuit was assembled with reference to the circuit diagram shown above and special care was taken to not connect the power supply until the entire circuit has been…show more content…
This was done for a pull and a push type solenoid respectively and in this way we observed the partial magnetization and demagnetization of the solenoids using a PWM output. RESULTS CONCLUSION Pin number 3 was selected for both simple digital output as well as for PWM output with different frequencies. The circuit build successfully actuated the solenoid when pin 3 was high and vice a versa. While testing both the solenoid with different PWM frequencies we could see that the magnetic strength increased with increase in frequency. After altering the PWM frequency from minimum to maximum (0 - 255) and combining it with the delay command we could observe that the spool started moving inward towards the magnet of the solenoid. REFERENCES Brian W.Evens, Arduino Programming Notebook, Brian Evans, Beginning Arduino Programming, Technology in Action, James Miller, Electromagnetic induction. Emf induced in a moving conductor. Faraday’s law. Lenz’s law. Self-induction. Self-induced emf. Self-inductance of a coil of n turns. Energy stored in an

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