Importance Of Human Resource Management

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Along with all creations on earth, man is the best gift of God. Indian culture and values assert and copy the pride of man. It is man, the individual who is the centre, the premium and the best in the creations. "There is nothing greater than man" . Every human being is a unique glint in him; that spark contains unsuspected potentialities and possibilities. MEANING OF HUMAN RESOURCES From the national point of view, the human resources can be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes obtained in the people whereas from the place of the individual enterprise, they represent the totality of the integral abilities, acquired knowledge and skills as established in…show more content…
HUMAN RESOURCES UTILISATION (HRU) These are obviously the traditional functions of the Personnel Department. They are still needed and they are very important. Without attention to these activities, few organisations could continue to function, particularly if they are labour intensive rather than capital intensive. In all organisations, HRU is an important activity. HUMAN RESOURCES ENVIRONMENT (HRE) This is the latest of the three areas of specialisation. Before 1970, one would have been hard pressed to find many organisations with any significant number of people involved in any of these areas. Some leading organisations utilised external consultants, but even these organisations seldom considered having a unit devoted to HRE. Increased concern over the quality of work life has contributed to highlighting the necessity for an organisation to have people, who are worried with…show more content…
HRD environment is an essential part of the whole organisational environment. To understand HRD environment, HRD in general and in organisational context in exacting, should be defined. HRD may be defined as activities and processes-undertaken to promote the academic, moral, psychological, cultural, social and economic development of the individual, so as to attain the highest human latent as a resource for the society. In other words, that means an overall growth of a person so that everyone can add in the best possible way to the society and the nation. HRD in the organisational background may be distinct as “a practice by which the employees of an organisation are assist in a hysterically and designed way to expand the individuals to realise their potentials as individuals to the maximum coverage; carry out their assigned jobs enhanced; grasp future roles effectively: preserve a high motivation level of employees at all times; strengthen superior-subordinate relationships and also team spirit among different work teams; achieve inter-team collaboration, environment development and organisational health development”
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