Cross Cultural Problems In International Business Research

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Cross Cultural Problems in International Business Negotiations. 1. Introduction This is the era of globalization and diversification. As a result, businesses from all over the world are forced to interact with foreign companies. Expanding monetary globalization has encouraged the extension of international business partnerships and has replicated the quantities of the human capital moving over the world (Ko & Yang, 2011, p.158). People from different countries that have different backgrounds, religion, languages, ethnicity, traditions, cultures, and manners are compelled to deal with one another on a daily basis especially in an international business context. This aspect eventually leads to either one or both international business parties…show more content…
3. Purpose of the Study and its Significance The purpose of the study is to find out how the cross cultural problems in international business negotiations and to know different ways that will help international businesses prevent cross cultural problems. This research is important for newly opened cross cultural business, governments, and general education. It helps to know how various cross cultural problems arise and the different way of dealing with such problems. So, due to these cross cultural problems and their importance on international business negotiations this research has been conducted. 4. Methodology 4.1 Nature of the study The research will have a combination of qualitative and quantitative approach (mixed method approach). Qualitative research approach usually does not end up with numbers; but it is used for examining a study, analyze, define, and describe words. It is also used to improve a non-existing theory (Curtis, 2013). The reason for using qualitative approach for this research is that it contains several unclear variables that have to be discovered and it contains rich data. Linking it with the research objectives to find out outlines, patterns and create a mid-range theory to understand the concept of the culture better by experts rather than statistical non-existing models (Reiter,…show more content…
It generally ends up with numbers that is statistically studied and reduced from data (Curtis, 2013). The quantitative approach will be applied in this research because it includes test hypothesis, and large samples. In addition, quantitative data are also able to support the qualitative data information (Reiter, 2010). 4.2 Type of data In this research both primary and secondary will be used because they both are important to find information for this search. Primary data research is applied in this research because it will help in finding valuable and original research information. Primary research can be conducted in various different ways like email, face-to-face, telephone, and surveys; on the other hand, it is expensive (Johnson, 2014). Survey will be conducted using Secondary data research is applied because the search results we need for our research already exists because someone else has done the research. For example, using the information that is available in the government or municipality website can be used. Secondary data is easy and not expensive as the primary data and it saves times. The information is useful as long as the information is trustworthy and not old such as universities and governments information (Johnson,
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