Importance Of Quality In Maths

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THE IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY IN T&L PROCESS OF MATHS The improvement of quality in the Teaching and Learning process of maths is a necessity but at the same time a problem. First of all we have to consider that it is not true that there is a predisposition to maths, the prerogative of a select few; but it is unfortunately true that it is easier to hear “In math I’ve never understood anything" rather than "I like doing math”. I am convinced, however, that the responsibility for this situation lies not so much in the more or less innate qualities of each of us, but rather in luck or not to have met in our own path school good teachers of this subject. It is necessary that a good maths teacher allows students to find a good motivation to make…show more content…
This is because maths is a scientific subject so most of students’ questions have no answers; but a good teacher can try to explain every topic by referring to real experiences in student’s life, using examples from their interests especially during the primary school. - Assessment and other means of feedback about student learning: it is necessary that the teacher explains the reason why the mark is good or not, motivating how the students can improve themselves for learning maths. For example if student “A” takes a bad mark instead student “B” takes a good mark, the teacher could try to explain to “A” what is wrong in his test comparing with “B” not just the result of the problem but the process that was used. But at the same time it is important to create an “active competition” and so not about the mark but just for improving their knowledge and…show more content…
With regard to maths maybe it’s more difficult because every student seems to be restive to this subject. But this should be the reason to push the teacher to do better, to try new teaching methods, to involve the student in many ways as possible. Following these criteria, students can obtain a better learning quality of maths. In fact in this way teachers will manage, facilitate and work to induce an urge to learn because of the sharing of ideas and strategies in a classroom situation. Thus, the challenge is to ensure that every student can be benefited from the application of TQM in Teaching and Learning process to improve the quality of maths classes. It is necessary that the teachers give to the students: - enough time to understand and elaborate every topic because in maths the topics are getting complicated; - support to improve their way to approach with formula, exercises, graphics and so on; - motivation to improve themselves in relation to other students but especially in relation to their first knowledge that had to improve step by

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