Case Study: Food Angel Project

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(3-7 sentences in some sections using 1/2 paragraphs, Arial Font, 12 pt, single Space, Narrow Border) Title: Full Name: Chau Hoi Kit ID #15058579d Date: 10, 17, 23, and 24/11/2016 NGOs: Food Angel Project Name: Be a food angel-food collection Experience: – Describe in detail the most impactful experience from your service-learning journey this semester using 3-7 sentences. 1-2 paragraphs In preparation part, I feel confused since it is difficult to communicate with 4 non-local students. We do not have common first language to communicate efficiently, so, we can just use English to communicate. My English is not as well as my first language which cannot consistently use an accurate word to express my opinions and feeling. Also, they have…show more content…
We use our own leaflet and video design to promote our activity. Most of the interviewees said: they will bring food and donate on our food collection day. However, we can just receive a few students to donate the food to us and no staff donates food to us as our target is Polyu staffs and professors. We set Polyu staffs and professors as our target since they have more abilities to donate food rather than students. So, I am shocked after the food collection activity with no staff to donate food to…show more content…
3-7 sentences 1-2 paragraphs I learnt how to respect each other like respect their culture and experience. My group mates always have some creative and unrealistic ideas, like make a video and ask McDonald to post it in their shop which we have nobody have video making skill to making a video. But, I still respect them, maybe because it is work in their country. Hence, I also learnt how to be a patient person. I tried to explain what we should do and which way is easier to reach our goal with many times. And it also improved my communication skill with different background people. Next, I learnt how to be a leader as this is the first time for me to be a group leader. In my definition, a leader should provide a comfortable atmosphere and all required material like a project plan, power point, schedule and tool for discussing, promoting and doing the project. Also, a leader should carry out the responsibility for the consequence, safety and keep the project going to a both satisfactory level. I promise myself that try to prepare as best as I can to let them feel comfortable and safety in this subject. For example, I took the responsibility to make the video under the situation with no one know how making it and they want to use it as a promotional
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