Savage Inequality Chapter Summary

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Kozol rigorously scrutinizes the value that America places on public education in the book, Savage Inequality. The public’s criticism of American public schools is one of the major issues educators face today. With regard specifically to public schools, there has been a negative perception about their efficiency and quality, leading to reduced expenditures. Public support has also been decreased in the sense that private schools have been offered more vouchers compared to public schools. There are three main categories in which Kozol’s assumptions relating to inadequacy of public schools tend to fall into. These are declining student performance, poor return on fiscal expenditures, and ineffective teachers. The latter criticism revolves mostly around the teacher competency and also around the teacher’s effectiveness in regard to standardized preparation programs, which have been criticized for being too impersonal and not centered around the needs of the individual…show more content…
Money in public schools was misused and not spent on education to foster positive student outcomes. Many people believe that public schools are ineffective and inefficient. Moreover, many people prefer private sector and perceive it as being better at managing schools and providing a better quality education. Another criticism about public schools tied to Kozol’s assumptions is declining student aptitude. There are perceptions of student failure in public schools which have been entrenched in the public’s mind.. For example, when students’ achievement is falling below average, the blame is often put on “bad teaching”. This is a common criticism experienced in public schools. However, this ignores other factors such as family influence and the socioeconomic environment that students find themselves in outside of the school environment, which the school can only do so much to

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