Importance Of Composting

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Generally, compost activity in Malaysia is still new. This can be seen from at least the number of participating this activity and the lack of public awareness and knowledge about the compost itself. Most of our society is to give up the leftovers removed and transported by solid waste contractor and then dumped in landfills rather than reuse it into compost and used for landscaping and gardens of the residence. Many people often express their complaints and protests about waste disposal problem but we ourselves forget that we ourselves actually contributing to the problem. It would be better our society equally play roles to recycle of organic wastes found at home to be used as compost. It is more beneficial to plants than using chemical fertilizers…show more content…
2003). It produces thermophilic temperatures and eliminates the pathogens associated with accumulation of organic substrates and salts (Miller 1989). The main factors in control of a composting process include environmental parameters (temperature, moisture content, pH and aeration) and substrate nature parameters (C/N ratio, particles size, nutrient content and Free Air Space (FAS) (Kulcu and Yaldiz, 2004). However, many artificial measures have been developed to improve composting efficiency. Over the past decades, effective inoculation has been reported by several. Table below shows general nutrient properties of…show more content…
The composting process however took a long time compared to aerobic composting and releases some odour to surrounding. Compost process could reduce the releasing of odor via biogas combustion as it act as net energy producer (Lopes et al., 2012)The digestion of food waste using anaerobic composting was widely used to produce renewable energy in the form of heat and power, vehicle fuel and digested nutrient in agriculture use (Laureni et al., 2013). Nutrient in food waste might decrease because of the separation of solid – liquid that converts mass into liquid fraction in the composting process (Hjorth et al., 2010). The nutrient content should not fall drastically but in gradual fall. Anaerobic composting of food waste providing high concentration of nitrogen that can be used for agricultural application in the form of liquid fertilizer (Tampio et al., 2016). Table below show the nutrient content of anaerobic

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