Importance Of Medical Waste Management

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Biomedical wastes (BMW) are defined as waste that is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals, or in research activities pertaining thereto, or in the production of biological activity. The management of health care waste is a subject of considerable concern to public health and infection-control specialists, as well as the general public. It is a well-known fact that in several types of health care activities, various types of hazardous and contagious materials are generated. Even though the consequences of discarding such waste carelessly are well known, it is only recently that adequate initiatives to manage this waste in a scientific manner are being taken in India by the incorporation of Bio…show more content…
Diseases are spread by improper treatment and disposal of waste. Rag pickers expose themselves to diseases like Hepatitis B, Tetanus, Staphylococci, etc. while handling items like needles, surgical gloves, blood bags etc. 16 Importance of Bio medical waste management Bio medical waste management is of prime importance in the healthcare sector as it has a great potential for various adverse effects on health. Following are some of the effects which directly or indirectly affect the humankind: 1. Infection: -The infectious agents can enter in the body through a puncture, abrasion, or cut in the skin; through mucous membranes; by inhalation and ingestion. Commonest infections, which can result from mishandling of hospital/health care waste, are gastro enteric through faeces and/or vomit, Respiratory through inhaled secretions; saliva, Ocular infections through eye secretions, Genital infections, Skin infection through pus, meningitis through Cerebrospinal fluid, AIDS through blood and sexual secretions (HIV) and Viral Hepatitis B & C through blood and body fluids (hepatitis B and C viruses). 2. Genotoxicity and Cytotoxicity: - Many cytotoxic drugs are extreme irritant…show more content…
In short ‘waste minimization is waste management itself.’ “Accumulation of dust, soil, and microbial contaminants on environmental surfaces is both aesthetically displeasing and a potential source of nosocomial infections. Effective 21 and efficient cleaning methods and schedules are, therefore, necessary to maintain a clean and healthy environment in healthcare settings.” The bio medical waste not only demands attention on the management but also the preventive action would be to minimize the waste as much as possible. The minimization not only affects the revenue of the hospital but also reduce the harmful effects proportionately. Various ways to minimize waste are as follows:  By source reduction (avoiding wastage)  Use of recyclables (e.g. using sterilizable glass ware)  Purchasing policy (purchasing non-PVC healthcare equipment)  Segregation at source separating biomedical plastics, glass, metal at source for autoclaving & shredding each category separately before recycling)  Stock management (inventorying regularly and replacing IV fluids, blood and drugs so that there is no wastage due to spoilage) Corrective and preventive Management of bio medical waste not only gives the

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