Summary Of Chapter 14 Pharmacy

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Chapter 14, the Pharmacy, talks about pharmacies and their purposes and responsibilities in a healthcare setting. A hospital pharmacy according to the textbook on page 167 is “responsible for dispensing and compounding drugs”. A pharmacy has a lot of different functions which include inpatient and outpatient pharmacy, dispensing facility and as procurement and supply to name a few. A telepharmacy is a pharmacy that offers 24 hour service to small hospitals. The doctor writes the prescription and then the nurse will enter it into the computer and it goes to a pharmacy that the hospital has a contract with that will then review the order to make sure there are no contraindications with the patient and then authenticates the order on the computer.…show more content…
The pharmacy staff consists of a full-time pharmacists and pharmacy assistants and pharmacy techs. In the United States a pharmacists has to have a PharmD degree from an accredited college or pharmacy school in order to practice. As with most any other health organization there is a pharmacists committee that is called the pharmacy and therapeutics committee. This committee serves as not only a liaison between the pharmacy and medical staff of the hospital but also oversees the medical aspect of the pharmacy‘s activities in the hospital. The chapter talks about various ways pharmacies dispense medication in the hospital from unit dose dispensing to robotic pharmacists. Medication errors is something that hospitals strive to prevent. One way they do this is by using the five rights of medications. These five rights…show more content…
One of the things it talks about is receptionists within the hospital. The receptionists is usually the gatekeeper of the hospital. Their primary purpose is to provide excellent customer services to anyone that comes into the hospital whether it be patients or visitors. They should be familiar with the layout of the hospital and be able to direct people to the appropriate place they need to be. Another important component of the hospital is the telecommunications department. They are responsible for all the broadcasting the various codes within hospital from a code blue to a code red and everything in between. Dietary services is yet another important component of a hospital. They are responsible for the planning and making sure the patient care plan has nutritional components to it. Pastoral services is another important part and they provide religious or spiritual guidance to the patients and their families. Hospitals also have a patient transportation service department that is responsible for providing services to patients and families as needed. A hospital also has patient representatives that make sure the patients are getting the care they need, interpreters that help non English speaking patients and hospital staff to be able to communicate and last but not least volunteers that help out in a variety of ways. In summary, hospitals cannot operate effectively without each of the components

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