QQI Case Study For Human Growth And Development

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Case Study – Linda Prepared by Margaret Mills For Human Growth and Development QQI Level 5 Assignment February 2016 Introduction Linda is a 14 year old teenager who comes for respite at regular intervals to the care home I work in. Linda appears bubbly and out going and always mixes well with her peer group. On this occasion I notice Linda appears withdrawn and has lost a lot of weight she is not interacting with the other members for social activities. One of the other teenagers has told me that Linda has confided in her that she is being bullied in school and being called fat so she thinks if she doesn’t eat she will become thin and won’t get bullied. In this assignment we are going to look at how we…show more content…
I also told her I had seen a big change in Linda from the last time she had come to the respite centre and I had noticed a significant weight loss and that I was quiet worried about Linda as she was very quiet and withdrawn and had not come to the dining room for her meals and also refused meals in her room as well. From what I had been told and from my observation my supervisor said she would discuss Linda’s case with members of the multi-disciplinary team which are a group of health care workers who are members of different disciplines (professions e.g. psychiatrists, social workers, doctors nurses and therapists) each providing specific services to a client. The team members independently treat various issues in which they specialise. (HSE,2013) Identify Linda’s individual needs in this situation, particularly in relation to physical, intellectual, emotional and social well being of Linda. With the help of the multidisciplinary team which consists of Psychologist Doctor Nurses nutritionist and social workers Linda was assessed as

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