ATI Test Summary

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Introduction Critical thinking is one of the most important skills to have in the professional workplace. Being able to solve almost every problem one faces in the workplace is critical, especially in the case of nursing. Nurses are constantly faced with complex and challenging medical problems that require critical thinking in order to take care of all of the patient’s needs. Another important aspect of being a nurse is the constant need to educate oneself about new practices and procedures. Each individual nurse has their own learning style and recognizing their strengths and weaknesses in learning is vital to a nurse’s education. ATI Testing Summary This ATI test assessed the major characteristics of critical thinking skills. These characteristics…show more content…
My learning personal methods includes textbook reading, taking detailed notes during class, drawing diagrams, lecturing myself, and re-teaching the material to my peers. I find that doing a combination of all of these things gets me very acquainted with the material that I learn. Work Values The scores I received in the following categories all ranged between 7.1-7.5: initiative, problem solving skills, time management skills, self-esteem, and motivation. I have always had strong work-ethic and motivation, but there is room for improvement. My lowest scoring work value was leadership qualities, which I believe is a false result. Most people would describe me as a strong leader and I have held/thrived in many leadership roles throughout my life. Personal Characteristics God has given me many characteristics that have shaped me into a successful, young woman. I have always had strong leadership skills. God has blessed me with intelligence and the desire to learn as much as I can. He has also placed many people in my life that have made me realize the importance of learning, loving others, caring for others, patience, compassion, and responsibility. God also gave me a positive attitude and outlook on life, as well as strong Christian values and…show more content…
I am self-motivated in my learning and homework, it has always been important for me to realize that my education is a gift and a blessing. There are so many people around the world that would love to receive half the education I have had so far, so I do not take my education lightly. Education and the opportunity to learn are things that I value greatly. A skill I have utilized in my college career is good time-management. I realized quickly as a freshman that prioritizing and organizing my schedule is vital to surviving college classes. I do not waste time if I can help it. My schedule includes enough time to finish homework, as well as time for myself to relax and unwind. In college, it is important to stay on top of tasks and homework. It is also important to be a well-rounded student, which includes being skilled in many different areas of learning. I value all of my classes and try to succeed in them even if they are not nursing

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