Importance Of Job Interview

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hiring the best person for the job doesn't necessarily mean choosing the most intelligent or the best qualified individual. In fact, there is little or no correlation between company success and intelligence of employees, as measured by standard metrics such as educational achievement, IQ tests and logic puzzle solving skills. Likewise, education does not necessarily mean that the person will be competent or best suited to succeed. Obviously you don't want to hire stupid people especially when the Job market is alive with talent. This allows you to be selective when hiring staff. However, finding the right individual has the skills, easily blends with company culture, interacts well with the team and believes in your mission is not as easy…show more content…
An effective job interviews as part of the hiring process sounds a lot easier than it is. Some studies prove that there is little or no correlation between positive reports during job interviews and actual job performance once the candidates have been hired. However, the correlation between a structured, well-planned interview process which is integrated into the company's hiring practices dramatically increases job performance. Therefore a hiring process utilising effective interviewing and selection must be a structured process to produce the best…show more content…
These questions should not only identify whether the candidate has the correct education and skill set but also the type of person and whether that person will fit with the company's culture. Later you can compare the candidates answers to reveal who is the strongest person based on the core competencies needed for the job. Pay Attention: Ask focused questions, listen carefully and steer clear of turning the interview into a shopping list of what the company wants or what the position needs. Pay attention to what the person doesn't say such as body language, style and personality. For example a person who never smiles or laughs is probably difficult and unfriendly. Or a person the gives non-linear answers to simple questions is probably disorganised. Make notes to review later. Follow up:Almost equally important as the interview are reference checks. References tend to down play deficiencies in people they have worked with but if you listen carefully and read between the lines you can get a better idea of who the candidate really is. For example "Sometimes wasn't that motivated", the candidate is probably a slacker. Or "Was sometimes a little moody" could mean the candidate suffers depression. Incite gained from reference checks can be a useful guide to personality and other flaws. Make notes to incorporate into your final

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