Interwar Period Analysis

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The interwar period (1919-1939) is crucial in the history of India as it is an important part of the jigsaw puzzle in understanding the contemporary political structure and the formation in Modern India and Pakistan. This period as a whole is very sensitive as huge changes and restructuring were taking place all over the world after the drastic world war. Since the world I war was mostly fought between colonies and as the World War I came to end, many or simply most of the colonies which due to their service to the Great Britain or due to the fact that they were in German control suddenly found themselves as free nations. So it is eminent that the British would lose more and more colonies during this time and because of that they would tighten…show more content…
As the major rights such as rights over defense, foreign affairs, telegraphs, railways, postal, foreign trade etc. were clearly vested in the center. Surficial powers such as health, sanitation, education, public work, irrigation, jail, police, justice etc. were given to the provincial authorities. The structure of central powers was devised in such a way that it was totally unreachable by local or provincial limits. The Viceroy and the Lieutenant Governors could still veto local legislation and The Viceroy could pass and enforce laws even if his council rejected them…show more content…
He resisted British tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded on the grounds of non-violence. He used the policy of civil disobedience; it is the active refusal of obeying certain laws, demands and commands of a government or in this case occupying international power using no form of violence. In case of civil disobedience moment you break an unjust laws and you stick to the consequences or serve prison time and don’t run of so that the legal system or trials which you go through gets public enough to show that it was wrong. Gandhi’s one of the common form of civil disobedience was hunger strike when in prison and going against British rule he would refuse to eat anything until for long he was in prison , this would not work for everyone but what would happen is that guards would force feed the person but in this case Gandhi had published enough papers, and hit the headlines of so many newspapers and news agencies around the world that had the British government done anything to Gandhi, the world would outrage and Britain would lose much more political cloud and standing in the world as literally the British would have to release him before he died due to starvation or any kind of diseases and Gandhi has won this time and again as he

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