Emergency Medical Technician Interview Essay

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For my interview I chose to interview a close personal friend, Derek Pokphan, he has been working as an emergency medical technician for the past three years. The reason I chose to interview him is that as an emergency medical technician you are the first on the scene, and often a patient’s life depends on those critical few minutes between an incident and transportation to a hospital. Also working as an emergency medical technician a person gets to experience a wide variety of different medical emergencies, and this ensures that every day will be an interesting one on the job. During the interview I asked him a large amount of questions to find out more about how one gets in to working as an emergency medical technician, the type of schooling you have to go through, what the job entails, etc. The first questions I asked Derek about were all related to the education process of becoming an emergency…show more content…
A great school for someone to look in to if they wish to choose this career path is John Hopkins University School of Medicine, which is located in Baltimore. This is the school I chose to research so that I may possibly apply to later in my life. John Hopkins University School of Medicine is a world renounced school, with an amazing hospital where their students can learn. For years John Hopkins University School of Medicine has been a leader in the training of emergency room doctors. One of the things I find most interesting that they have is a “state-of-the-art Simulation lab” (Hopkins Medicine) were students are able to practice numerous different procedures before having to do them in real life; practice makes perfect. The application process for John Hopkins University School of Medicine is a long and rigorous one, which is no surprise for such great

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