Essay On Job Interview

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A job interview can be quite stressful and nerve-racking. “Am I getting the job?”, “Am I a perfect match for the job?”, and “Are they going to like me?”. Questions like that may cross anyone’s mind, and it will most likely bring the person down. According to Forbes (2013), a person should know or recognize the fifty most common questions to ace the job interview. It is true that every job differs from one another; however, the preparation process for any dream job is the same. Applicants should focus on these three keys: get much-needed sleep, make sure you are projecting the right professional image, and finally always picture yourself as poised, confident, persuasive. For a start, in order to get the dream job, applicants should prepare for the interview before head. Firstly, by getting enough sleep. Sleep has a huge impact on a person. Imagine not getting a good amount of sleep, it is going…show more content…
One has to have a clear image and why the belief they are the only ones suitable for that specific occupation. Thus, experts like the psychological doctor, Kay Bosworth, recommend in her article “The Importance of Grooming & Dressing for a Job Interview” (n.d.), job hunters to always visualize in their minds how the interview will go. A little impatience can go a long way by fueling one with energy and motivation. However, too much of that can have the opposite result, and no one wants to be in the position of having a dreadful meeting. Not to mention that mental preparation ahead of time is crucial and critical. Dr. Kay Bosworth also advises to write down one’s most prominent achievements. By knowing one’s abilities, it will be less demand for a person to discuss them in an interview setting. Moreover, the method is equivalent when it comes to a person’s limitations. Applicants are ought to consider strong responses to three inquiries they would prefer not to be questioned. This will go far toward alleviating

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