Importance Of Education In Education

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ASSESSMENT IN MALDIVIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM Is it serving the purpose? The first school was established in Male in 1927 and this school was only for boys. At present, there are 88341 students in 206 government schools, some of which are for kindergarten, primary and secondary, and a few schools with higher secondary education. There are four main phases of schooling recommended by the National Curriculum: foundation, primary, lower secondary and higher secondary The first National Curriculum was implemented in 1983, and since then schools have practiced many different assessment methods. In the earlier years of its implementation, there was emphasis on summative assessment with frequent examinations and a final exam called the Promotion Test. The main purpose of this exam was to determine the progress of the students to the next grade or their retention in the same grade However, in 1990 with the introduction of…show more content…
Ministry needs to provide the training programs for teachers in atoll and Male’. When I mention this, I also agree that ministry has been conducting sessions on assessment via video conferencing in many atolls on how to conduct the formative assessment as many teachers are struggling to conduct an assessment for learning in the classroom because of lack of training. Assessing is the most important and difficult part of the education system which takes lots of time on it. Moreover, the curriculum should be flexible for teachers to adjust their teaching. Having too much content will not get time for teachers to assess the students and re-teach the topic if necessary. Teachers will only focus to complete the syllabus than assessing students. Assessment is not something different from teaching. Teachers need to incorporate assessment and to teach both together. Teachers have to assess the students while
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