Rene Descartes's Meditations On First Philosophy

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Practice Essay In “Meditations on First Philosophy”, Rene Descartes explains that we make mistakes on our own, with no influence from God. He believes that God gave us intellect and judgement, leading to us making errors. Descartes explanation on why we still make mistakes is very motivating and makes sense if you see the situation in a bigger picture. Some strengths in his reasoning include using examples and relating them back to God constantly. This helps pursue the reader to believing that we make our own errors based on using our abilities to reach a certain conclusion. He also uses rhetorical techniques such as repetition, which he uses quite often. With repetition, it could help emphasize the reasoning behind Descartes thought process. Even non-believers of God may be pursued with these techniques he uses. Descartes answers the question using various commitments, such as since we exist, God exists. We all have an idea that God exist, so he must exist because we think this way due to him. God unable to be a deceiver, since “… trickery or deception is always indicative of some imperfection. (Meditations, p. 36)” He also believes that God gave us judgement, thinking that God gives us a chance to be perfect if we use…show more content…
What really pursued me was the imperfection of each induvial and that we create perfection when we come together as a whole. It relates back to my life and gives reasoning to all my actions and makes me believe that there are always reasons for what happens. He states multiple times that we cannot know everything or we will be perfect, which is impossible because God is the only perfect being. His logic behind his argument is valid in my opinion and I cannot argue against a valid argument. We are given judgement and intellect but we do make mistakes. We do create errors. But that is what makes us human. I stand by a saying I always heard growing up, no human is
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