Literature Review On Migration

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW IMMIGRANTIONS 11. Migration of people is old as recorded history of the world. From the ancient history migrants find some reason to move from a country to another. The reasons may be safety, food, shelter or any other personal requirement. Migration has both positive and negative impacts for both countries which are involved. As many other human activities, migration also has increased rapidly and it has grabbed the world attention today. For many countries it has become a major security concern. 12. Immigration is the movement of people into a country to which they are not native in order to settle there, especially as permanent residents or future citizens(Immigrant 2014). Migration is created with desire…show more content…
13. Though the number of migrants increase, it doesn’t give a bigger percentage since the world population growth too increase rapidly since 1990.According to the United Nations reports that there were nearly 191 million international migrants worldwide, about 3 percent of the world population by 2005. As mentioned above In 2013 there have 231,522,215 immigrants in the world which is approximately 3.25% of the global population according to United Nations. In 2005, 60% of immigrants lived in undeveloped countries mainly due to conflicts and harassing environment of native countries while the rest lived in developing countries mainly due to economic pull factors. (Data blog, the Guardian, 2013). UNDERSTANDING IMMIGRATION, IMMIGRATION…show more content…
One theory of immigration emphasizes the push and pull factors of countries which encourages migration.(Rubin,2013). Push factors refers to various reasons that encourages emigrants to leave the country of origin. Internal conflicts, maladministration, poverty, unemployment are some of the common pull factors today. When it comes to labour migration or economic migration, comparatively low wages of the country of origin push emigrants to migrate to a country where wages are high. As an example rapid economic growth of United States in 19 th century became a factor for many countries to push emigrants. nearly 40% of the population in 19th century are foreign born and today it is 10 % after imposing restrictions. This helped America to build a solid labour force during 19 th century. Tendency of individuals from underdeveloped countries to seek better living standards in developed countries has increased with

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