Solid Waste Management Research Proposal

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Research Proposal 1.1 Introduction A project is performed over a duration within which it must be completed on time. There is always the need for project managers to schedule projects in a way that facilitate timely completion. However, there are occasions where projects managers encounter issues that affect their completion time. It is for this reason that scheduling is considered to be important so far as project management is concerned. The success of a project depends on a lot of reasons, but if there should be a failure it should not be unrealistic scheduling. Preparing a project schedule is an easy endeavor compared to evaluating its quality and therefore project scheduling is a major factor in predicting a projects success or failure.…show more content…
Solid Waste Management (SWM) is defined as the mechanism, production, storage, gathering, allocation and conveyance, processing and dumping of solid waste consistent with best practices of public health, economic and financial, administrative, legal and environmental considerations. Human technological and economic advancement has made the types and kinds of Solid Waste very diverse and the problem of waste management more complex. Furthermore, poor institutional framework and low capacities as well as lack of resources; both human and capital has put waste management and sanitation conditions in many cities of the Developing World, particularly in Africa, in very deplorable…show more content…
As a consequence of populace development and urbanization in creating nations, general volumes of waste generation is much higher than most developed nations and the industrial waste management rates are likewise high as the greater part of the commercial ventures are essential businesses delivering crude materials for modern generation. Moreover, because of enhanced living standards, enhanced health care and because of globalization, various new waste streams have risen, particularly e-waste and dangerous waste. Human nature is such that waste management can't be kept away from. The volume of waste produced is likewise subject to the financial status of the individuals. This is buttressed by the way that higher wages result in increased consumption patterns and further generation of more waste. A distinctive illustration can be sited on account of a low pay worker who can't afford his own home and along these lines dwells in a leased flat, while a prosperous individual then again is liable to claim a home with delightful finishing; though both may be single people living on their own. The more prosperous is liable to produce more waste through the sheer packaging of the brand new products he buys and additionally likely yard waste that could be created from the trimmings of the landscaping. This waste when set in environment turns into a contaminant and

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