The NRC Book Review: Facing Hazards And Disasters

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Arizona State University College of Public Service and Community Solutions CPP 510 Online Hazards Governance Spring 2018 Instructor: Jeremy Rodrigues and Kimberly Bailey Reaction Paper #1 Name: Michael Friedmann Essay Question A: The NRC book “Facing Hazards and Disasters” presents, in Chapter 1, something it calls a “conceptual model of societal response to disaster.” Explain what that model is (i.e. its basic components) and discuss your thoughts on how this model relates to any (or all) of the three essays about governance in Unit 1 (Tierney, Stoker, Ahrens and Rudolph) – specially the proposition that the model might not be as clear as it should be in terms of how governance affects the ways in which [community’s] deal with hazards and…show more content…
(2001) and the NRC book asserts that it “is a fundamental future requirement for the social sciences.” It should also be a “fundamental…requirement” to any emergency management preparation, at all governmental levels, as recognizing the key elements provided by Tierney et al. (2001) in “Figure 1.1” by integration of hazards and disaster research, “vulnerability, mitigation, response and recovery” being key elements to effective preparedness in any emergency…show more content…
Despite the fact that the NRC book relies on “Figure 1.2” to establish its model for “societal response to disaster” it fails to address how, despite the “disaster events” it applies to its model as “social catalysts of collective action” society has continuously and repetitively failed to engage in “collective action” on what the NRC book defines as “social catalysts. In the case of Hurricane Katrina, there was a very clear understanding as to the “frequency” of the disaster or disasters of that very nature, there was also an understanding and applicability as to “predictability” and as the levies were constructed and could have been modified or built-upon in order to further address the potential hazards posed by Hurricane Katrina,

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