Importance Of Democracy In The Philippines

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We Filipinos who experienced the hardships of a military rule would likely to be hardwired in our mindsets the horror these things have brought to us. That is why here we are now, advocates of decentralization of which is“an empowerment process designed to give people the opportunity to develop alternatives for solving their problems” according to the book of Tendero, a democratic decentralization to be exact. According to the book edited by Estrella and Izatt, the book of beyond good governance participatory democracy in the Philippines. According to the book, “democratic decentralization is a theme commonly pursued by countries that experienced a military dictatorship, a Stalinist regime, or an autocratic rule.” Thus we are what we are now after the time Marcos’ regime has ended, our society tend to be like a free bird in the pursue to centralized our society. In…show more content…
As we know it, it is of our role to a part of the ways of how the government wishes the society of how they would run the government. As stated in the book, it states that “governance is about the relationship between the civil society and the state, between the rulers and the ruled, the government and the ruled, the government and the government and the governed and how power is exercised and the decisions are made.” The book also talks about about the of how the power and the resources are of transferred to from localities to the civil society. However as defined in the book participation is defined as “the means for making development interventions and public policies to a more responsive and effective”

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