Roman Senate Pros And Cons

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There was an activity involving governance patterned under one of the most classical and early systems of democratic rule, the Roman Senate. Everyone in class was assigned to be a particular clan belonging to the elite and was tasked with resolving a particular crisis in the Empire. Each ruling family has a particular alliance or feud with another house and every group has an agenda and allegiance to certain stakeholder groups in the state. With that being said, this activity highlights the importance of having rulers with the capability to effectively represent the interests of civil society coherently and responsibly. In this activity, certain families allied themselves with the elite and the landowners while others had stronger ties with the peasant classes. This poses some advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, by having ruling families align themselves with different classes, there is representation and an avenue for the lesser privileged communities. However, the issue with having feuding delegations taking different stances is the deadlock in discussions and divisions from within the ruling class on how to address a crisis or situation. As a result, groups had to negotiate, form alliances and compete against other groups. This has led to heated debate and constant strife among the “ruling families”. With…show more content…
Moreover, this activity illustrates the importance of platforms and ideologies in politics. In the Philippines, the political environment has been unstable due to the lack of political cohesiveness among leaders. Representatives are chosen blindly merely out of image and personality rather than platforms and agenda. Therefore, there should be a greater focus on ideological basis for policies as a means for citizens to understand their candidates

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