Globalisation And Globalization

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Some analyst argues that lasting cultural rigidities will obstruct or perhaps even reverse the globalization process. Others counter that deep down everyone is truly economic man. Globalization especially in the context of “globalization of politics and world economy” has its different meanings, there’s a meaning given by Held and McGrew, a meaning given by scholars, and a meaning coming from ones interpretation, but for me globalization was and is the result of human decision which leads me to have knowledge that globalization is inevitable. Globalization is the integration of world economy which was truly interconnectedness and has a flow of information that revolved around economic, cultural, and political aspects…show more content…
And through that we can see how much globalization can appear and be a much impact to the different events that was brought by globalization and almost happens every day in our society, which also benefited many people and economy through transporting of products like the things we used every day including of course clothes, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, and many others from one country to another country, which involved people’s ideas particularly to those who work for those kinds of products because the export and import products can be inculcated to every individuals mind especially if its quality was high and in that sense their products was clearly observed and at the same time can be a benefit to the growth of one’s economic stability and status. And there we can see how globalization can benefit not only to the people but also to every country in the world, why? Simply because of globalization that was clearly inevitable. And because of globalization it happened that there had been a two-speed process by which elites benefit and become a global class and others are left farther and farther behind, and I think was the disadvantage of globalization. And as Daniel Mittler said that the next was the stage of the…show more content…
These technologies proved that modernization has leveled the economic platforms around the world, making it flat. And as Friedman included in his book “the ten world flatteners” I can say that it really flattened the world, why? Because what these flatteners turned out was truly present in our world today. It is absolutely modernized. Given that the world is modernized, it is likely to support what are the things these flatteners imply. Example was it enable the people begin to think that the world is a spatial space. I’m quiet confused if some people thinks if what was on the ten world flatteners is an advantage or disadvantage, or do these people sometimes critique or thinks if those flatteners really flattens the
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