Ideas In Peer Assessment

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1. Ideas and proper English grammar are both important in Peer assessments, as they are evidence of learning. Ideas, opinions, content, and explanations are required to answer questions or contribute to a discussion. Ideas show understanding and address the subject matter directly. They can come in the form of questions, which present the opportunity for deeper thought on the subject, can provide answers to a problem and also provide more information and further explanation. In order to express oneself and communicate effectively, good grammar is essential. Errors in grammar can be distracting, and this can affect comprehension. For example, wrong punctuation can convey a different meaning than that which is intended, therefore good grammar…show more content…
Peer assessments come with assessment criteria and I would use these guidelines in my responses. These criteria can be objective in nature, focusing more on things like the quality of the contribution to the discussion, how much effort was put into the response and if it was insightful and relevant, evaluating comprehension of the topic, whether the question was answered adequately and so on. In responding to feedback that counters my personal values, my approach would be to consider that feedback within the set assessment criteria. If it is an asynchronous discussion, there will be ample time to form a well-worded response that offers an alternative line of thinking and also, one that will not offend. In an environment such as ours, where people from different background and experiences converge, it is expected that it would also be a convergence of diversity; therefore there should be respect for the differing ideas, opinions and…show more content…
The purposes for learning are to get information and use it, to be able to explain and apply it in everyday living and also to use it make a difference for others. Assessing learning requires performance and the components of that performance can be found in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R., Airasian, P.W., Cruikshank, K.A., Mayer, R.E., Pintrich, P.R., Raths, J., Wittrock, M.C. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon. Three domains of learning have been identified and in designing the most effective way of assessing learning, performance must be required in the three areas. Cognitive – related to knowledge and intellect. Affective – related to emotions, motivation and attitude. Psychomotor – related to skills. ‘This classification of behaviors is said to be the aims of learning’ Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains, 2015, Retrieved from Cognitive Domain: learning can be said to have taken place when there is a performance of creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding and remembering of facts, concepts, procedures, and the awareness of ones cognition - metacognitive. Affective Domain: learning can be said to have taken place when there is a performance of receiving and responding to facts and situations, valuing, organization and the internalizing of
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