Gender And Sexuality In Dracula

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Since the dawn of vampire literature, literary folks have elegantly metamorphosed vampires to accommodate them with popular culture and prevailing thoughts [1]. With the power of their imagination and pen, writers have had created vampires which enthused and frightened millions of people and transformed sensational ideas on vast subjects, such as vampirism, gender and sexuality, the supernatural and dark power; thus incrementing the range of gothic horror genre to new frontiers. Among thousands of fictional vampires, I believe that Count Dracula in the famous 1897 oeuvre Dracula by Bram Stoker and Edward Cullen in the modern oeuvre Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer ushered in an exceptional advancement in vampire fiction by intensifying the…show more content…
Dracula performed practices popular during the time it was published such as sexual imperialism [5], male chauvinism and prostitution. He wished to indulge in excessive exogamy, longing to be "the father or furtherer of a new order of beings” [5]. He attacked and sucked the blood of Lucy and Mina to turn them into vampires, presenting women as inferior in the sense that they are easy to prey upon and perhaps also suggesting his repressed desire for raping women. Moreover, the three female vampires in his castle (who attacked Harker) might had been living there as prostitutes; suggesting how males exploit females and revel in sexual pleasures illicitly. Oppositely, Meyer portrayed Edward as a polite and charming vampire who respects women and their chastity. Not only that but he is shown as over-protective for Bella (his love) and puts her safety above all other things. Meyer shows that he restrains every time his compulsive desire to suck Bella’s blood, clearly showing his respect and love for her and the humanity in general; perhaps suggesting the readers that males in the society should exercise their moral conscience and restrain from harming…show more content…
His thirst for human blood and staying young motivated him to unhesitatingly and hideously attack the human beings. But Edward Cullen wished to live in peace with humans, restraining his compulsive desire to attack humans, epitomizing himself as a hero. Edward differed from Dracula in that he hated the fact that he was a vampire, being self-critical and cursing his fate. [7] He fed on animals and exercised thoroughly his moral conscience. His peaceful disposition toward humans can also be deduced from the fact that he fell in deep love with an average human girl and ensured that she receives no harm from anyone because of him. Interestingly, Meyer intelligently adds an ironical love theme in Twilight: predator falls for prey, human falls for vampire [8]. This irony, I believe, denounces the vague ideas that vampires are emotionally and biologically distinct from humans and that their relationships cannot

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