Importance Of Autonomy In Language Learning

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In spite of all the progress in the field of autonomous language learning, Little (2007) argued, although there is increased interest towards autonomous language learning, it still is not a general feature among language learners on a bigger scale or among standard education and training. None of this means, of course, that autonomy is now a defining characteristic of language learners around the world; on the contrary the practical realization of language learner autonomy remains elusive (Little, 2007). Later, Miliander and Trebbi (2008), as a kind of collaborative project, published a paper based on the data belonging to several countries including Bulgaria, Cyprus, England, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, but their findings were different.…show more content…
According to them, the term autonomy has provoked an extensive discussion, because up to now linguists and educationalists have failed to achieve an agreement about what autonomy really is. Actually, autonomy in language learning is an attractive objective for philosophical, pedagogical, and practical reasons. But what is suppressed here is the role of teacher. Considering autonomous learning as an approach in which there is no place for teachers is as ridiculous as assuming that a child can grow up without the help of his/her mother. In the domain of language teaching, teachers encourage students towards the independence use of different strategies in order to help them develop autonomy. Many practitioners not consider autonomous learning as synonymous with teacher-less learning, they believe that it is a self-access and especially a technology-based learning approach. Shakouri and Bahraminezhad’s (2012) paper was an attempt to illustrate the idea of autonomy in language learning from both philosophical and theoretical viewpoints and furthermore to give some pedagogical implications in order to show the important role of…show more content…
Vygotsky (1980) was the pioneer of this approach. According to him, the process of linguistic socialization leads to cognitive development. The thinking together educational program was first developed in UK to promote the use of exploratory talk in primary levels. Since then, it has been administerd experimentally several times in the UK. One of these projects was a collaboration between an Open University research team and the SMILE mathematics inorder to to convert the findings into changes in classroom practices (Wegerif, Little, & Jones 2003 ). Another research which was called Talking for Sucess focused on the idea that the ability to talk effectively is essential for the success in education and that inadequate language ability can lead to the feeling of frustration. This research showed that the lack of language and reasoning is the major cause underperformance of children in schools (Wegerif, Mercer, Littleton, Rowe, & Dowes,

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