Poverty Movie Analysis

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I expected the movie to ends with an encouraging and motivating outro, but actually it is a rather worrying and cynical ending which shocked and puts me in a bad allegation to my own country. As I am from Indonesia which is also a developing county and it is not a secret anymore that developing country like ours has a lot of debt with rhe World Bank and the IMF. I think it an interesting fact this movie emphasize about these two big financial organization which has the same goal that is to “bailout” the developing countries from poverty. Analyzing the solution of the poverty itself requires a deep comprehension about the meaning and origin of the poverty which is going to be discussed in the passage below. I believe the word “poverty” is not…show more content…
It is a fact that in order to live and survive, new countries needs lots of money to build infrastructure and other vital organs, which the newly independent third world countries most probably do not have. So by using the World Bank and IMF – the movie explain as one of the biggest economic crime has ever happen – the first world country come to “help”. The movie claims these two international organization whose goal is to help the developing country, is no different as one of the biggest economic conspiracy. Those two organization allow a huge amount of capital transfer across countries, tax-free. They also convince the short-in-money countries to take their offer of loan package in exchange for some export agreement which obligate the borrower countries to privatize particular natural resource they have. Privatizing a resource means the local cannot freely make use of the resource like they used to, and the government has to power to control the price of the commodity. In the end, the locals end up becoming a free-labor and has not enough money to fulfill their basic needs, because their wage is also controlled by the company in order to acquire the maximum
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