Hr Relationship

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Why is there a need for the presence of a relationship between strategic human resource management and strategic management, and how can we make this relationship come about? To address my research question on “why there is a need for the presence of a relationship between strategic management and strategic management, and how we can make this relationship come about”. Firstly, I will start of by defining the two concepts of human resource management as well as strategic management. Secondly, I will describe the organisational history and the role of HR in the past, and where it (HR) is going. Thirdly, I will discuss the existence, importance and implication of this relationship. Lastly, I will discuss how we can make this relationship come…show more content…
Whereas, human capital management refers to the productive use of people to achieve organisational goals. Strategic human resource management focuses on organisation-wide human resource concerns and addresses issues that are related to short and long-term, this is particularly useful for designing specific HR programmes, systems and policies. Line executive is the most important constituent for the HR function. Therefore, this supports the proactive approach where HR professionals participate in the strategic planning process and can potentially influence the formulation of the company strategy. (R. Bothma; 2012…show more content…
Strategic human resource management consists of three tasks which are: assuring that the issues and implications of various alternatives or proposals are thoroughly considered when making decisions, establishing goals and action plans to support the business strategy, and the adequate implementation of action plans by working with line managers. Before one can implement an HR strategy, it is of paramount importance to take note of the presence of a company strategy and to also ensure that there is a basic HR structure within the organisation. It is also significant to duly note that without a strategic management process, the HR strategy formulation and implementation would be futile, because the HR strategy is built upon the foundation of a strategic management process, just as much as we need a business for the HR function to be existent. Therefore, we deduce from the above, we that a house cannot be built without a
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