How To Quit Football

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Two weeks after my junior year started and I would soon learn an important life lesson. At the end of my sophomore year I decided to quit football and give something else a try. I was influenced by my great friend Samantha Pena to join cross country (sport in which I’ve never tried) . As the first week of running in the hot sun passed, I realized the terrible mistake I had made. My feelings would soon change for the sport after the Saturday of my first meet. One of the best feelings is crossing that finish line after miles of running, which because of this good feeling it motivated me to actually try in this sport. It was our eighth practice. I was trying my best to keep up with all the other runners but on this particular…show more content…
I was the first runner in front out of the others who didn’t have the class that day. I was far in front, so I didn’t think anyone would be able to pass me. While I’m running my shortcut, I noticed a figure at the corner of my eye. It was a freshman that was way behind me but he somehow managed to catch up. I didn’t want him to show me up to coach ,so I picked up the pace and had a little “race” with the other runner . As we both reached Rim St. I had faced the fact that the freshman runner was going to win , in which I then swallowed my pride and slowed down all the way back to school . I walked into the locker room tired and a loser to see a smiling coach and an equally tired teammate . turns out Coach Casillas already had new about the “shortcut” (he passed by me in his car) . He gave me a lecture and in that lecture he said words of wisdom that I will never forget , “ there’s no shortcuts in life mijo , look what happened . You ended up taking longer than it would have taken if you had just ran the normal path.” I couldn’t argue with his logic I did take me at least twice as long , so agreed and told him that ,” I don’t plan on taking…show more content…
I was originally going to write my narrative about on how living in El Paso and its Latin influenced culture affects my Literacy and the language I choose to speak , but then I thought that many students would do this and it would start to get repetitive . Yes I don’t know enough Spanish to hold a long conversation, So “ Entiendo mas que lo hablo “ and I reply to my family in English when they speak to me in Spanish. The standard non Spanish speaking Hispanic life . This experience on learning about no shortcuts just seemed to be a better topic to write about than the norm . I learned a valuable lesson that affects me to this day and will continue for the rest of my life. Laziness is not a good thing and that’s another thing Coach Casillas has taught me that directly relates to not taking shortcuts. It has been about 2 weeks since the lecture Coach gave me and I have yet to take another shortcut and I’m proud of that . I can’t say that I will not be tempted to take another shortcut though . I’m sure that situations will rise where the need
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