Reflection About Football

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The time on the clock slowly expires. Sweat drips from the players foreheads as they prepare for the last play of the game. The scoreboard reads sixty eight a piece for each team. Our starting point guard dribbles the ball to the three point line and heaves up a shot at the last second. The ball rolls around the rim for what seems like an eternity and falls into the net. Running on the court to celebrate will be the first time I am step on the floor tonight. I have not seen a minute of action and begin to prepare myself for the fifth quarter, a time designated for less talented players that receive less playing time in the real game. Although I loved the fifth quarter spotlight, my basketball career reached its end. With my time and energy…show more content…
I had never been on a wrestling team prior to joining and lacked a simple understanding of how the sport worked. During seventh grade I considered joining wrestling, as my brother continuously pushed me to give it a try. I had only ever stepped on the mat once before. On the other hand, my football career started in sixth grade when I played for the Dubuque Broncos. This Pop-Warner team prompted me to love the sport of football. At the time, I was a small, quick kid that loved to try to outrun or tackle opponents. I found success as soon as I joined sixth grade and thus continued playing in seventh grade. Football arguably became my favorite sport at the time, and I impacted the team substantially. In my second game of this season, I caught an interception at the last second of the half and attempted to run it to the end zone for a touchdown. As I tried to break tackles, many opponents tackled me simultaneously and squished my smaller body. I had a pile of people on top of me and an unbearable amount of pain. I broke my growth plate in my ankle from the play and was forced to sit out the rest of the season. When football season began the next year, my parents forbid me from going out. They told me that I would only suffer another injury and that it was not worth it. As difficult of a decision as it was, I knew that my parents were correct. I was injury prone and never stepped on a football field in pads again until my senior
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