Stereotypes In The Blind Side

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The Blind Side film review The Blind Side was directed by John Lee Hancock and is a sports film based on the true story of Michael Ohre. This film is the generic sports film of how an athlete rises to a challenge in this case it is Michael's background and low grades that must be overcome to allow him play summer football for wingate christian school.this film failed to live up to the standard of sports films with a story despite being true come across as a statement of a person's inability to overcome their own problems. The blindside often plays on stereotypes using the costumes, setting and film angels to do so. The blindside follows the true story of michael oher (Quinton Aaron) and how he was helped by Leigh Anne tuohy (Sandra Bullock) and her husband Sean (Tim McGraw). When michael is accepted to wingate christian school though the coaches interest in his athletic abilities despite his low academic ability. At first michael's character is quit and distances himself from others until Leigh Anne tuohy offers him a place to stay after seeing him walking alone in the cold after attending her son SJ (Jae Head) school play. well stay with the touhys michael goes from a stranger to a friend and eventually becomes part of the family. After joining the Tuohys. Leigh anne arranges for michael to have a…show more content…
Basically this film used the stereotypical image of low income communities to represent a character's social standing.Another example of this is how micheals atiar changes throughout the film starting of with old clothes that did not fit him and an extra pair of shorts in a bag but as michael becomes a member of the tuohy family his general clothing and appearance

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